Welcome to the South West Liver Buddies
We are an active liver patient support group working alongside the liver team at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, to help further develop the services offered by the South West Liver Unit (SWLU) across the region. The group exists to provide assistance and friendly encouragement alongside the medical care of NHS professionals.
Members of the group include: patients diagnosed with liver conditions, those undergoing treatment, those waiting for a liver transplant and transplant recipients. We also welcome patients’ friends and family members who assist in their care.
In this video created by University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, liver patients share their experiences of how a liver support group has helped them.
Keep up to date with all our latest news with the South West Liver Buddies blog about fundraising, support, activities and achievements.

South West Liver Buddies Walk The Big Lap Australia
As February began, it was time to beat the winter blues and dust off our walking boots for our first…

Stepping up to the challenge: SWLB Walk Liver Transplant Centres UK
February 1st was the start of an inspiring new group step challenge – to collectively walk the number of steps…

Liver Buddies on the air!
BY KATHERINE WALCOT The South West Liver Buddies have existed for almost two years now. We have a website, a…